Space Skilling Saturday 20 (Some Master Plan)

Location:- Arkadia Space.
Time:- 1800 MA.
Present:- Wolta, Vinge & Myself

Wolta took the first stint in the chair and soon had Vinge and myself working away burning welding wire. I managed a VSE level skill gain quite early in the session and a crafting gain in something later on. After just over an hour Wolta relinquished the chair and I piloted for the rest of the session, nearly 2 1/2 hours which was tiring, I did get another skill gain but I do not remember what.

Space travel channel was entertaining , micjack and Goldy were talking about some master plan giving free warp flights and delaying all other warp flights by 30 minutes as well as not pirating , the objective of which is to make MA update space. They did explain it several times to several people but it did not make sense to me. It went on for almost the entire session with several people getting quite angry, no idea what will happen but am quite keen to find out what but it made me laugh a few times.

Tonight’s entertainment for me was provided by Miskatonic Musings podcasts, I think I’m about a year behind with these. Wolta was listening to Pink Floyd Live in Berlin. Vinge was drinking cider and consuming crisps and dip.

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